Crystalline Marble Products
According to the intensity of transformation and the composition of the mother stone, marbles are divided into three categories porcelain, crystal, and cloudy. Marbles that are fully crystalline, uniform in size, fully shaped, and fine-grained, which are mainly composed of calcite, are called porcelain stones in Iran. And the marbles that are coarse grain, totally crystalline, the same size and shape, are called crystal stones. And if it contains non-parallel bands of concentration of light and dark minerals, it is called cloudy porcelain.
Desirable features of Crystalline Marble according to the American standard (ASTM):
Water absorption coefficient --------------------------Maximum 0.17%
Specific weight -----------------------------------------------2.40-2.90 g/cm2
Compressive strength ----------------------------------- At least 680 kg/cm2
Tensile strength -------------------------------------------- At least 760 kg/cm2
Abrasion resistance -------------------------------------- 11